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Bio Septic Tank Individual Houses



ecoGenn Bio Septic Tank Individual Houses


Bio Septic Tank Conventional Septic Tank
•Never over flow • Over flow soon
• No lorry required • Lorry required discharging water
 • Ground water pollution is prevented  • Will pollute ground water and causes diseases
• Free from Odor • Separate space required for normal septic tank
 • No separate space required • High maintenance cost • It causes odor
• Hygienic & prevent from mosquitoes & cockroaches • It causes mosquitoes & cockroaches problem
• Permanent solution • The overall price is high
 • 100% Eco friendly  
Bio Septic Sewage Treatment Plant
• No Need for separate space •Need separate space
• No need f o r el ectricity • Electricity is required
• No need for maintenance • High maintenance cost
• Free from odor • It causes odor
• No need for separate  man power for maintenance • Need separate man power f o r main t e n a n c e
• Very low price compare to STP . • Long process f o r the installation
• Sh ort time require d f or the installation • High in price



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